City of Los Altos, CA
Easy retrofit installation
Products Used:
Area, Parking Lot
Install State/Province:
Install City:
Los Altos
The City of Los Altos contacted us to retrofit two separate lighting fixtures to solar. The city was interested in making the switch to outdoor solar lighting, but didn’t want to deal with any logistics complications with new installations. We were able to get them set up with a simple retrofit adapter kit to affix an IPL Series solar light head to the existing poles.
“Our experience is that the fixtures are quickly and easily installed, making retrofitting simple and easy. The low-profile styling improves aesthetics without drawing too much attention to change, a benefit in change adverse communities.”
– Maintenance Supervisor, City of Los Altos
The feedback has been positive about the switch. The IPL Series lights are shining bright in downtown Los Altos and keeping pooches and their owners safe in a local dog park!